Welcome To Vidya Coaching
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You will be glad to know that Vidya Coaching has introduced the easiest way of learning English through Audio Visual System in our offline classes first time in Chhattisgarh. We now offer well-designed digitized, musical and entertaining, in short, unique classes to make you fluent in English and to equip you with an enchanting personality as you go out into today’s world. To assure you our 100% service you are also given Lifetime Free Membership Card moreover all exclusive study materials free. Even you need to write nothing in the classroom as you are also sent daily basis Class Notes and Class Recordings in your Vidya Coaching Account so that you may pay proper attention to learn and speak English in the class. Here is a golden opportunity to change your attitude and boost your confidence to lead in this modern era.
Vidya Coaching has an online classroom which does not require a physical attendance. Through the Internet and specially designed software; online tuitions are delivered to the students by expert professionals and well qualified teachers here. We use a combination of interactive and latest version chalk board, voice over internet and share the relevant study materials as well as class recordings after every session. Vidya Coaching has the latest generation of technologies to deliver education of the highest quality to the widest range of students at affordable prices.
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What you get in Vidya Coaching
In our offline class each and every student is given a ‘Lifetime Free Membership Card’ to assure them our 100% true and reliable service. They are allowed to rejoin the class and improve their fluency in any of the batches according to their requirement even after 10 years. All the students are equally treated and taught without any additional fee even if they continuously join the class for 1 or 2 years. We know that learning is a lifelong process and believe that everyone needs a supportive guide while learning.
As soon as you join our offline class we provide all exclusive study materials (English Book, Dictionary, File & some useful charts) to double your learning speed. In addition both online and offline students are sent daily basis class notes in their Vidya Coaching account after every session. The students in the class do not need to write, so the focus remains in dispelling their doubts and speaking English.
In our offline class stage show is held every fortnight to increase your confidence and overcome your hesitation, weakness and shyness. When you repeatedly accustomed to face the crowd, it seems easy to deal with the strangers in your day to day life even in the corporate office.
In this modern era we must be possessor of an enchanting personality and sharp mind to live a successful and leading life.
We enhance your intuitive power and positive energy to increase the hit rate of your decisions taken. We help you to sustain enthusiasm and energy to have the perseverance and passion to reach your goal.
Our online students are provided daily basis class recordings (Audio and Video) from beginning till end of the session i.e. you can practice it replaying whenever and wherever you want.
In our offline class your voices are recorded through digital recording machine to check your common errors and voice thrilling from time to time. Eventually you are taught the proper way to impress the people speaking fluent and effective English.
After completion of your course you are provided an opportunity to be the part of Vidya Coaching according to your ability and efficiency if you really deserve any specific quality. It may be a full time or part time (Online/Offline) service.
Contact us for more details - 9111777333.
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